Anti-Harassment Rule
CAO Anti-Harassment Rule Sample
Provided by the Condominium Authority of Ontario for Promoting Safe & Respectful Condo Communities
In keeping with the CAO’s goals of improving condo living and supporting healthy condo communities across Ontario, this Anti-Harassment Rule sample has been drafted for consideration by condo corporations to include in the corporation’s Rules.
The attached rule sample has been designed to support condo corporations in Ontario with establishing clear, consistent, and transparent processes for addressing the prevention, preparedness, and response to harassment in their condo community.
The CAO recognizes that each condo community is unique and may already have provisions within its existing rules on this matter. As such, the Board should consult with their legal counsel to carefully consider any revisions to existing rules and to ensure that the appropriate protocol set out in the Condominium Act, 1998 is followed for passing and implementing any new or revised rules.
The CAO welcomes any feedback to further refine and improve the rule sample so that it can be used to support condo communities across Ontario.
Please read attachment document for complete information.
Attached File(s):